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What You Need to Know to Avoid Prosecution on Waste Management

Waste management in the construction industry, which creates a third of all waste generated in the UK, is heavily regulated. This regulatory complexity is compounded by uncertainty, following the UK’s Brexit vote, and this makes compliance increasingly difficult.

Many businesses are unaware of their compliance risks. Up to 56% of UK businesses are not fully compliant with their legal responsibilities under waste management legislation. Yet ignorance is no defence and fines can now seriously impact finances – as much as £3 million in fact.

It is now critical that your business recognises its obligations under waste management legislation.

As a starting point, these are the 5 essential issues your business should address.

Understanding waste management legislation and how it applies to your construction practices is essential to the success of your business.

Not only will it help you avoid damaging compliance failures and fines, it will help you navigate the changing regulatory environment as Britain withdraws from the EU.

Demonstrating competency around waste management legislation makes it easier to win new business and boost your bottom line.


  • It’s increasingly difficult for construction businesses to remain compliant with UK waste management legislation.
  • Fines have become sufficiently punitive to represent a significant threat to finances.
  • It is essential that you understand the legal definition of waste.
  • Businesses must be aware of their obligations under the Environment Protection Act, Controlled Waste Regulations and the Hazardous Waste Directive.
  • Regulatory changes have reduced the administrative burden but producing a SWMP is still best practice.