| Services, Sustainability, Technology

Reconomy releases upgrade to Zero Waste Index

Reconomy, a leading international circular economy specialist providing sustainability technology, data and services to a broad range of industries, has upgraded its Zero Waste Index to further support businesses on their journey towards zero waste.

The Zero Waste Index provides a detailed breakdown and analysis of businesses’ progress towards zero waste, supplementing Reconomy’s other consultancy services, supporting businesses through their waste-zero journey by focusing effort to improve sustainability as efficiently as possible.

The upgrade to the Zero Waste Index incorporates a new tool that helps to visualise why it works as a transformation methodology and propels an organisation towards a 1.5°C goal.

Fundamentally, where waste is produced, the tool highlights the relative tonnage of different waste streams and the Circularity Impact Saving (CO2) benefit of recycling compared to that of sending it to either Energy from Waste plant or Landfill.

This tool utilises established emission factors and portrays them around a fulcrum based on positive or negative CO2 impacts.

Nathan Gray, Head of Sustainability at Reconomy, commented: “Achieving zero-waste is a significant milestone for any company in their journey towards embedding sustainability throughout their business model and achieving ambitious ESG targets. The ability to see the direct impact waste and resource management activity has on climate change as part of Scope 3 emissions is key to reaching zero-waste but is also an indicator of the attitude and commitment to managing sustainability and climate risks.

“This upgrade builds on the ability of the Zero Waste Index to give businesses a detailed breakdown of their progress by visualising the transformation. This helps highlight the C02 benefits of recycling alongside the relative tonnage of different waste streams so businesses can optimise their resource management activities. We’d urge businesses to get in touch with us and try out the tool to illustrate their progress in seconds and see how the Zero Waste Index may help them achieve their sustainability objectives.”