Plastic Recycling Services

Plastic recycling is a challenging waste stream for all sectors. Reconomy ensures that single-use plastics have a limited environmental impact. Enquire now.

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Plastic waste recycling solutions for businesses

Plastic recycling is a challenging waste stream for all sectors. Reconomy ensures that single-use plastics have a limited environmental impact. Enquire now.

Each year, 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced globally. Up to 40 per cent of this is single-use plastics. This refers to items that will only be used once before being discarded as waste. However, there are opportunities to extend their lifecycle. This can be achieved through plastic recycling or reuse.

The global impact of plastic waste continues to make headlines, both in the UK and around the world. Many consider single-use plastics to be the greatest contributor to this ongoing epidemic. Reconomy offers a full plastic recycling service, providing disposal units and organising waste.

Reconomy also provides a variety of recycling services for a broad range of materials, including cardboard recycling, metal recycling, and electronic recycling.

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